English translation for "photon radiation"
- 光子辐射
Related Translations:
photon: n.1.【物理学】光子。2.【医学】见光度〔网膜照明单位〕。
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The infrared results showed that the ir characteristic value l080cm - lof cubic crystal sio , and the absorption peak 460cm - l of mgf , caused by the interaction between f - - mg ' + - p elastic vibration and photon radiation , appeared in the ir spectra . ellipsometric analysis showed that the typical absorption peaks 58lnm , 589nm and 606nm , resulting from the surface plasma resonance of cu panicles and reflecting the absorption on composite film system , appeared in the extinction coefficient k curves of cu ( voll5 % ) mgf , , cu ( vol20 % ) mgf , and cu ( vol30 % ) mgf , cermet films , respectively . with the component of cu increasing , the peak site presented red shift , which was in accordance to the results of ultraviolet - visible spectra 椭偏测试分析表明: cu ( vol15 ) mgf _ 2 、 cu ( vol20 ) mgf _ 2和cu ( vol30 ) mgf _ 2样品的消光系数k曲线中出现了反映复合金属陶瓷体系吸收的由cu金属颗粒表面等离子体共振引起的吸收峰,峰位分别为581nm 、 589nm和606nm ,呈现红移,这些与紫外-可见光谱测试结果相一致;此外, cu - mgf _ 2复合纳米金属陶瓷薄膜光学常数的实验值与考虑尺寸效应修正过的mg理论值总体上符合得很好。 | | 2. | By calculating the feynman diagram in rtf , we find that when taking into account both the thermal photon emission , absorption and the virtual photon exchange processes , the infrared divergences at zero and finite temperature can be cancelled at the same time . the full quantum calculation results for soft photon radiation coincide completely with the poisson distribution obtained in the semiclassical approximation ( the coupling of the classical current and quantized field ) 通过实时温度场论下的费曼图计算,我们得到:将实光子的发射、吸收,虚光子的交换过程同时考虑时,零温场论中出现的和由温度效应引起的红外发散都能得到消除;并且完全量子场论下的软光子辐射几率与半经典近似下(经典的电流和量子化的电磁场之间的耦合)得到的泊松分布结果完全一致。 |
- Similar Words:
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